A first version of the USA Road Trip movie trailer for ooAmerica and the documentary of the road-trip. It is indeed set to Survivor’s Eye of the Tiger, the music of the movie Rocky. In the next weeks, I’ll post a few preview pics of the large ooamerica photos before, maybe, hitting the road again…

110 Responses
[…] ooAmerica – the movie trailer (ooamerica.com)
we didn’t recognize you with long hair!
fantastic trailer…looking forward to the documentary
hello and thanks, best wishes for 2012, documentary ideas are still in their early stages but I’m hoping they will pick up in the next months, suggestions are welcome and feel free to share with friends, thanks for following.
Reblogged this on johnnyjohnsen.com and commented:
A first version of the movie trailer for a potential documentary of the road-trip. It is indeed set to Survivor’s Eye of the Tiger, the music of the movie Rocky. In the next weeks, I’ll post a few preview pics of the large ooamerica photos before, maybe, hitting the road again…
Thanks for the reblog, you rock!
What a great great trip ! The documentary really seems nice.
At 2:10, are there a lot of highway stations like this one in USA ? Cause I my girlfriend & I ate in a station looking exactly the same way one day during our road-trip. We there burnt some strange american camping gaz stove…
Thanks, the documentary is on its way and I’m planning on a second trip and more content soon. The shot you’re referring to is a highway rest area, and they do all look pretty similar. Sounds like you have some interesting travel stories?
Thanks for following! I am genuinely flattered that you find my blog interesting after such a cool journey 🙂
Well, thanks for following my blog too !
You’re welcome! Thanks!
Thanks and you’re welcome! Hey, check out what Richard says in the video of chapter 23. More soon so stay tuned.
Great trailer! Signed up to follow you. Looking forward to reading your updates.
Thanks! Updates will be more regular once I’m back on the road…
Loved the trailer! Hope you finished the film. I would absolutely go and see it.
Thanks! It will be a few months before the movie is finished. I’m planning on a second trip to meet more people and post more content so stay tuned.
This is fantastic!
IT’s definitely something that everyone should do once in their lives!
Thanks! I think everyone should get to make that choice some time, and live not to regret it!
BTW, nice video. It had great images, great people and great energy. A full-tilt winner if ever I saw one.
Love the Eye of The Tiger as well as your footage. Nice images and good luck on your adventure!
A great song! Thanks and stay tuned, more road up ahead.
Really enjoyed the trailer.. Looking forward to more!
Thanks.. there’s more to come soon!
Wow… this rocks! I SO want to travel like this one day. Amazing 🙂
Thanks! Really hope you make it, keep me posted 🙂
Cool trailer, looked like a great experience.
Thanks! It was indeed a great experience and I hope to be able to share more of it soon.
Great movie. Looking forward to seeing your other journeys.
Thanks, should be on the road again soon.
Have a wonderful adventure and thanks for following my blog!
You’re welcome, it’s beautiful! Thanks and keep in touch for the road ahead…
The trailer is awesome, nicely done! The “Eye of a Tiger” was a nice touch too:-)
Your trailer’s great, I’d love to see the documentary when it’s done.
Thanks. Planning a second trip to see some of the other states, meet more people and get pictures and footage, so you’ll be able to follow the documentary clips as they are gathered.
Very good. Great idea. Would love to see your documentary, too. Best of luck with your work. Sincerely, Connie Webb PS Only suggestion: Keep it real. 🙂
Hi and thanks for your support. Must keep it real! Absolutely. 🙂
what a trip! peace be
thanks! peace.
I love it! I can’t wait to see the finished product.
Hi, thanks! Will be back on the road posting clips of the documentary as it is being made, feedback welcome.
promising, good fictional mounting of the real life, love it, like all others before btw!
Hi Fantomette, thanks for your comments. Like your blog ‘character’. Hope you’ll enjoy the rest of the road, and that you’ll get out there some time.
Reblogged this on Ann Novek–With the Sky as the Ceiling and the Heart Outdoors.
Good choice of song; I’ve done some editing professionally, and that’s one of the toughest choices. As for your route, I’m from Savannah, GA and you didn’t go far enough into the great Peach State. Just sayin’. :p
Hi, thanks for your comment – hard to go wrong with that song! And I agree about the Peach State (as well as the others I didn’t have time to visit well) – that’s why I’m about to head back for more, and Savannah is on the planned itinerary, so many people have recommended going there!
Nice Work. Looks like a fascinating portrait of America, I’d be keen to see the finished film
Thanks, some of the answers have been very good so far, so looking forward to the second road trip for more. stay tuned.
Looks awesome
Thanks! more coming soon.
Cool! I love documentaries, have made a few mini ones myself. I like how you interspersed the haircut throughout. Good luck with it.
Hi Tammy, thanks! I hope you’ll follow the rest of the journey, ‘expert’ feedback is welcome 🙂
Enjoy the journey and keep on learning about the small world we live on and more importantly learn about yourself.
Eric M. Poders, The North Shore Voice & Fellow World Traveller 1995-2000
Thanks for your insight. More soon.
Thank you for following my blog. You have an awesome site! I’ll certainly find some inspirations from your posts. Cheers!
Happy to share and hope to read more soon! Thank you, cheers!
love this awesome and inspiring post–thanks for the visit! looking forward to more posts 🙂
Hi Violet, will be looking forward to see more from you, thanks for visiting!
Wonderful clips of the people speaking especially.
Thanks! Will be focusing on more people and interviews for the movie and the video clips during the second road-trip, stay tuned.
This is incredible. I’ve always wanted to road trip around America (I live in N.Z) so its great watching your journey.
I love the interviews in this clip. Little insights into people lives. Gorgeous.
Thanks! More interviews and people in the upcoming trip!
Thank you for liking my blog and for following.
Truly grateful.
Peace and love,
Thanks! Will keep following. Peace and love.
Love the concept of your documentary, especially the authentic characters – can’t wait to see full feature.
~And thanks for following me.
Hi, thanks! More from the documentary soon…
What a great project and trailer! I will definitely be checking in on your adventure. Thanks for following my blog.
Hi Matthew, thanks! Look forward to sharing more photos and stories. Best.
Hi, thanks for stopping by my blog and for the follow! Ah, this brings back memories of a cross-country trip from 15 years ago already…we almost traveled the same route(s) you took. Such wonderful memories of the Badlands, Grand Canyon, other natural wonders and the towns/cities we visited. Though now I imagine it must be so much different capturing it all on digital camera/video. Would love to see more of your travels to see what has changed in these places and what hasn’t. That rest stop shot brought back memories already, lol. Just followed you, best of luck on the documentary!
Hi and thanks for your comment! It’s always great to hear from people who can relate to these stories and memories, more coming soon! thanks again!
Will be definitely keeping an eye on you. Thanks for following my blog!
You’re welcome and thanks! Hope to share more soon.
Truly inspiring! I want to travel again now, and tape everything and talk to everyone….as the old saying goes “everybody has a story.”
You made me smile!
Hello! Thanks so much, you’ve made me smile too! 🙂 more stories to share soon…
Interesting movie. I have also thought of traveling one day like this. Thanks for visiting my blog.
Thank you. stay tuned for the upcoming road-trip!
I used to travel about … don’t we live in a beatiful country? … YES … I think we do!!!
All is said… thanks!!!
Awesome, great trailer and thanks for finding/following me. I’m looking forward to the followups and the documentary. I will have to share your blog with some of my road warrior friends. Thanks again.
Go road warriors! Thanks, will be sharing more soon!
Hi! Thank you for stopping by my blog. Your documentary is very fresh and unique. I was excited to see that you journeyed to Detroit, as I am a Michigan native! I’ll stay tuned for the adventure. 🙂
Hi Lashauna! It’s nice to meet you, thanks for your support! 🙂
O M G!!! YOU ARE TOO COOL. Can I be you when I grow up?
Now I feel like I have to be responsible. Great site. Thanks! 🙂
GREAT VIDEO! Now I feel the need for travel.
Thanks! Love to hear that!
This is too cool! Tell me if you stop in Michigan!
Hi Scott, thanks! No planned stops through Michigan for part 2 unfortunately, but maybe in the future? 🙂
The trailer was genuinely cool! I love to travel and do it as often as possible. Great project!
Thanks! Look forward to sharing more, will be back on the road soon.
Hey mate. Great trailer for your upcoming film. When can we expect a special screening to blog buds? Love roadtrip documentaries. Love the characters you meet a long the way. You might see me in the US one day.
Thanks! Wouldn’t want to give any misleading release dates, but will be updating regularly and sharing the movie as it is made during part 2, very soon! Do hope to see in the US. 🙂
Very cool!
Thanks! 🙂
Looks like SO much fun! Enjoy your travels!
Hi Tara! Thanks for your support, stay tuned for part 2…
Loved the trailer, man. Can’t wait to see the full-length film. Godspeed!
Will be starting work on the full-length movie after these updates to the site, will keep you posted. Thanks!
I absolutely love this trailer. The sound, sights and human perspective is just awesome. Did you have one main question you asked these people?
Also, what type of video camera did you use?
Thanks for stopping by my blog and subscribing. Already yours looks so exciting!
Bella Remy
Hello! There is one main question but the trailer features a few other answers too. Use a Canon 5d II. Thanks and will be sharing more.
Wow, didn’t know the Canon 5D II did film. Great quality, so you much have changed the lens to get that wide angle feel to it then?
Check out the inventory page – had a 28mm and 15mm :).