Video with life philosophy interviews from people met in Utah, Salt Lake City and Ogden, set to the background of Dinosaur National Monument.

Tags: DinosaurOgdenSalt Lake CityUtah
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Hi, I’m ooa revo. I like to create using different media including Film, Photos, Writing, Animation, Videos, Drawings, Painting, Poetry, newer media such as XR/AR/VR/360, and more! Many stories and work on OOAworld are inspired by world travels, as well as a Movie / Documentary asking people I met along the road: "What's your philosophy in life?" Follow the adventure on OOAworld and social media or by signing up to email updates!
So many ways to approach this life…
What’s yours? 🙂
Wow, love this new format with the scenery and the interviews woven together. Utah’s beautiful and the people seem awesome. I laughed when the guy said, “no philosophy…” So real… 🙂
Thanks! Tried another combined format in the Glacier video.
hey am in Salt Lake ………. ………… hit me up if need a place to crash. E.
Thanks appreciate the offer! We’re no longer in SLC but will remember in the future! look forward to share more.