Photo Batad Rice Terraces Viewpoint Ooaworld

Banaue Batad, Philippines, Video Timelapse HD

Banaue Batad, Philippines, Video Timelapse HD. Part of the upcoming short film, stay tuned.

Thanks for sharing! You may also be interested in reading the story or watching the video from Banaue and Batad’s rice terraces, or other posts from the Philippines.

Or read more on RollingCoconut for travel tips on visiting the Philippines and Banaue & Batad Rice Terraces!


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Hi, I’m ooa revo. I like to create using different media including Film, Photos, Writing, Animation, Videos, Drawings, Painting, Poetry, newer media such as XR/AR/VR/360, and more! Many stories and work on OOAworld are inspired by world travels, as well as a Movie / Documentary asking people I met along the road: "What's your philosophy in life?" Follow the adventure on OOAworld and social media or by signing up to email updates!