dontworrybehippie USA road trip photo portrait ooaworld

American Portrait USA Road Trip Midwest Heartland

American Portrait USA Road Trip Midwest Heartland: Sixth set of American ‘portraits’ featuring interviewees during the USA road-trip(s), two ‘regions,’ the Midwest and Heartland including Indiana, Chicago IL, northern Kentucky, Iowa, Kansas City and Kansas. Merry Christmas / Happy Holidays to all!

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Featured here, and special thanks to them (city corresponds to where I met them, not always where they’re from):

Midwest and Heartland:

–       Abbie, Chicago IL, believes in karma

–       Dan, Mammoth Caves KY, car ferry operator

–       MaryLou ‘Pinkie’, TN, owns Mary Lou Stitches and loves Harleys

–       Paris, Indianapolis IN, speaking of the devil

–       Brewing receptionist, Kansas City MO, “corporate beer sucks”

–       Kansas University students, Lawrence KS, “don’t worry be hippie”

–       Helen, Middle of the US, KS, works at the Visitor Center

–       Keelie, Lawrence KS, mother – and her son

–       Peggy, Mitchell SD, has a view on the Corn Palace

–       Ramel, Kansas City MO, street cleaner


1 Response

  1. Greek Sandwich says:

    Great to see these new posts and beautiful portraits.

    And serendipitous meet up with Kelly Slater.

    Merry Christmas.

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Hi, I’m ooa revo. I like to create using different media including Film, Photos, Writing, Animation, Videos, Drawings, Painting, Poetry, newer media such as XR/AR/VR/360, and more! Many stories and work on OOAworld are inspired by world travels, as well as a Movie / Documentary asking people I met along the road: "What's your philosophy in life?" Follow the adventure on OOAworld and social media or by signing up to email updates!