Ever wished you could quit that day job, leave it all behind and hit the road?
Ever wondered what it would be like to live, work and travel while discovering a country, a continent and its people?
OOAworld Travel Journeys Around the World
Welcome to OOAworld, featuring creative and multimedia content from Ooa Revo’s long form continental journeys around the world. These include the year-long USA Road Trip where it all began, an equally lengthy Journey through Asia, an equivalent Journey through South America, and other long-form travels through Europe, Africa, Oceania and the Middle East.
OOAworld Creative Media and Storytelling
The creative works that resulted including photos, film, videos, writing, art, and more can be browsed here on OOAworld, and each journey can be followed chronologically.
OOAworld Travels and Travel Tips By Country
The OOAworld Travel section by Rolling Coconut features travel guides, travel tips, reviews, itineraries and more practical travel information in addition to the OOA journeys and creative media. All Travel content and stories can also be browsed by country.
The OOAworld Creative Works
The aims are, on paper, relatively simple: promote open exchange of ideas between people of all tides, as well as tolerance and peaceful thinking.
There are several main background projects which have accompanied the creation of OOAworld and its artistic content.
OOAworld Movie: “What’s Your Philosophy of Life”
One is a film / documentary featuring interviews of the very different people met along the way, asking them one common question: “What’s your philosophy of life?” (Watch the unofficial ooAmerica trailer below), as well as to “Tales of Strangers,” asking people to share a story of their choice.
OOAworld Creative Works: Novels, Photo Books, Short Films, Photo-Montages
The other main background projects include written novels and photo-books from the travels, short films and other artwork, as well as a series of large photo-montages.
I hope to eventually post more about the photographic approach, and, more generally speaking, the approach to these journeys.

OOAworld.com initially debuted as the ooamerica blog, a lot of road has been covered since!
The site’s content can be browsed by following each OOA continental journey or by browsing the different media above.
The OOAworld Travel section can be used to browse all stories by country. It includes travel tips, reviews and itineraries by Rolling Coconut in addition to creative media by Ooa Revo.
Readers and friends are welcome to contribute in any way and by connecting on Facebook, Instagram, subscribing on YouTube and Twitter. Fellow travelers, bloggers and media can help share and spread the word.
Want to learn more about OOAworld? Check out the FAQ page and About Us and stay in touch by subscribing to our updates, or learn about our other activities from our VR/AR/XR production studios (augmented reality, mixed reality virtual reality and 360 video).
Thanks for your support!
Start with ooAmerica, a 25,000 mile USA Road Trip across the United States. Launch into ooAsia, a year-long journey across all of Asia. Or browse stories by types of media and travel destinations.
Thanks for taking me along on your trip. I will enjoy riding with you on these adventures in America. Hope you can swing by my home area sometime. That’s up on the Olympic Peninsula in Washington State – Port Townsend area. Pretty nice if you go there during the best part of the year, which is May thru September. After that, it rains too much. I will be looking to seeing where you go on your trips. Keep ridin’.
Thanks again.
American Expat in Chiang Mai
Hi, will be heading on a second trip soon (see itinerary) and should make it to Washington State – thanks for your suggestions and will be posting more soon!
What a great blog. Have fun with it all. Will stay posted. 🙂
Hi and thanks! Please do, will too. 🙂
Great project. The diversity in this country should make this very interesting….and fun! Nice to meet you!
Hi Angeline, nice to meet you. Thank you for your support. More diversity soon…
Nice to know about this interesting blog. 🙂
Thanks for your support. 🙂
thank you for following, this project sounds like a dream.
Thanks, there’s more coming soon!
Hey, I did a similar road trip along the same route back in 1973, when I was young, foolish and almost penniless. Have to say, I loved every minute on that Greyhound bus and still bore people stupid talking about it. I’ve been back to the States a few times since, but none of these visits hold a candle to that first experience. Thanks for the follow, and the memories 🙂
Hey, thanks for your comment, so happy if these stories can revive the great memories! 🙂 Not getting younger, but am covering ground on the foolishness and penniless-ness, will be sharing more soon!
Thanks for the follow- your project sounds like so much fun 🙂 I hope to have an extended trip like this some time. Best wishes!
Hi Sarah, will look forward to sharing more. Thanks, hope you follow the rest of the road and get out some time soon! Best wishes.
How cool are you? Very!!!! Thank you so much for subscribing to the Love is Growing blog and by the looks of it, you are definitely cultivating the love in your life by following your passion. I look forward to reading/viewing your journey but more importantly reading about your personal growth. Love Grows indeed! I Grow. You Grow. Love Grows!
Love Grows, Love Grows, Love Grows! Thanks for your wishes, the same to you and everybody!
Thanks for following! Great blog you have!
Likewise, more to come soon, thanks!
Thanks for following my blog! I just checked out yours, and this is something I would love to do, as well. I’ve done a couple of small, solo road trips myself, and they’re so freeing. On both of them, I’ve met lots of interesting people, so I totally understand the idea behind your film(s). Keep it up!
Thanks for your wishes, and same to you! Hope we can share more soon.
Thanks so much for following me! Fantastic blog. It is truly inspiring to see someone out there who stuck with their dream. Keep on Rocking! The internet will be eagerly watching same as I. Happy Blogging!
Thanks for your support and enthusiasm! Hope to share more soon.
Great stuff. But you’re not passing through Colorado? Tisk, tisk, tisk….if you re-route and take the plunge into Colorado adventure, let me know and I’ll do what I can to make your visit a blast! And while I’m here, welcome to my philosophy on life: “So many people live within unhappy circumstances and yet will not take the initiative to change their situation because they are conditioned to a life of security, conformity, and conservatism, which may appear to give one peace of mind, but in reality nothing is more damaging to the adventurous spirit within a man than a secure future.” – Lain 10/99 (From a letter by C. McCandless – Printed in “Into the Wild” by J. Krakauer). And on top of that, 1 John 4:16 – 19.
Thanks for going out and being who you are being.
Hi Amalia, thanks for your support and insightful comment. I do plan to re-route and discover Colorado on the second leg of the trip! Would love to hear ideas, suggestions and connect! Also great quote from the letter, and for those curious about the 1 John 4:16 – 19: “And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.”
I used to fantasize doing what you are doing, but I had to admit I wasn’t self-sufficient enough to hit the road alone. I’m nowhere near as young as you, either, so the energy isn’t there. Now I can travel vicariously through you. Great thing you are doing.
Hi and thank you for your support. I’m happy to share these stories and hope you’ll find the energy to travel and discover: it doesn’t have to be about the distance 🙂
While visiting your blog I got sucked into your photos for at least 30min. You really have some gems in there man! I really enjoyed the black and whites that you put color back into sections of, like the guy with the flag shirt. I have a huge interest in philosophy, and a minor in it (which by no means makes me an expert), so your “common question” really caught my attention. I would say the greatest philosophy to have in life is to not have a philosophy in life, yet instead be aware of others’ philosophies. In that sense, I really like that your blog seems to advocate the subjective reflections, experiences and ideas of others while relating it to your own journey. Congrats on creating an insightful peice of communal conversation!
Wow! Thanks so much, it’s great to hear some feedback and thanks for contributing your own philosophy. As you point out, it’s important for this project (the documentary) to let the people speak for themselves – while the road-trip and personal traveling experience may set a frame to these answers. Or something like that… will have to give it more thought in writing: thanks again!
You have some gorgeous photos! I love to travel and I truly envy you your extended periods of wandering. Great idea and great blog! Thanks for the follow, too.
Hi Stephany, thanks for your support! I’m very grateful to currently have the opportunity for these ‘extended periods of wandering,’ and realize these kind of opportunities are getting harder to get by – it is however a decision that has to be weighed carefully. Thanks hope to share more soon.
Thanks for following my blog, and on it’s inaugural day, no less! I got to spend some time browsing around yours and I think your project is wonderful. Making common connections across a country and culture as large as ours is not easily done. One hopes that projects like yours will let people see through the discord that surrounds us, knowing that we share more than just a name on a map.
I was glad to see that you will be heading up to the northwest. Keep in touch. I’d love to chat if you make it to Seattle.
Stay well.
Thanks and congrats on the launch!. It would be great if this project could help in its way! Do hope to make it to Seattle on the second leg of the trip, so keep in touch! Best.
thanks for the “follow”! cool stuff here, yerself! Safe travels to you!
Thanks! Best wishes and hope you follow the upcoming trip!
Wow – seems like a really cool trip ^^
Hi Niko, thanks! 🙂
I’m envious!! Enuf said! And thanks for visiting CorneaCopia!
Thanks! Hope these stories can lead to some ideas.
Thanks for the blog follow! I’m happy to find your site, and I loved the trailer. What a fabulous project!
Hi and thanks! It’s very nice to meet you!
Thanks for the follow! Love your project – I intend to follow it…best wishes.
🙂 Thank you! Hope to stay in touch, best.
I love this idea, I have done this all over the EU at least 10 times in the past 7 years and there is nothing better that traveling (driving) to off the beaten path places. Now living in the states, i would love to do this in the USA. All the best with your travels……DESERVE VICTORY!
Hello! Thanks for sharing, hope you get a chance some time soon!
Thanks for my “follow!” I’m so envious of your travels! What a wicked idea for a blog 🙂
🙂 Thanks! More to come!
Hi, thank you for following my blog! This is such a cool idea, I love seeing all of your pictures and drawings and videos that you have done along the way! I really like the trailer too. Good luck in all of your endeavors, I will be checking back to see the next leg of your journey!
Thank you! Second journey coming shortly. We need more deviant art!
Hi, I’ve nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. More details can be found here: http://tiny.cc/1d2ia. I hope you like it.
Hi Rebekah, thank you so much, this is extremely nice and thoughtful of you! Will look more into it and be sure to thank you properly when I do! 🙂
What a freakin’ wonderful idea. I’m excited to see this!
Hi Dena! Thanks, more soon!
I LOVE your blog!!! What a crazy, wonderful and brave idea. It excites me to think of you out there following your dreams, and your trailer is inspired. Looking forward to your tweets 🙂
Thanks!!! More road coming up soon… Cauldrons and Cupcakes for everybody! 🙂
An awesome idea. I can’t wait to start receiving your updates 🙂 BTW thank you for following me 🙂
Hi, thanks for the support! Hope to keep in touch. 🙂
Thanks for the follow Mr. America (or oo, if I’m allowed to call you that?)
This is a project that I have to say I’m ridiculously envious not to be a part of…
You’re living the life and producing some amazing stuff along the way! 🙂
Hi fruitthief, ooa works, but oo would be fine too! 🙂 unless you have other thoughts? Mr. America is out there though! but I had a good laugh! Thanks and hope we get to share more soon. 🙂
awesome, thanks for the follow.
Thanks! More road coming up soon.
This is wonderful — I checked your site out after you followed mine. Thanks for doing so — and for leading me here. I can’t wait to come back and see more.
I loved the film, but I’m still drying my tears over your 2011 haircut.
Hi Elyse, thank you, it’s very nice to meet you. Hope to share some happier things soon :).
How fantastic! Glad you found our Inside Out Art Group blog, and glad we found you – always great to find exciting, creative projects like this one. Best of luck on your onward journey – we’ll keep watching you!
Hi John, nice to meet you! Thanks, more stories soon!
Thank you for chosing to follow my blog! I look forward to reading about your ambitious road trips.
Thank you! Happy to share.
What a great project — kudos to you!
Thanks!!! Same to you and everybody!
Ooa revo,
What a very interesting concept. They say: ” If you can imagine it, you can create it. If you can dream it, you can become it.” It seems to “NOW WHAT?” that’s exactly what you have achieved.
It ‘s very interesting how your perceptions and perspectives, seem to be in constant movement. An example of that is your picture of Time Square, in New York city. “NOW WHAT?” was wondering what it is you were thinking? Also, what is the best response you have received to your question, ” What is your philosophy of life,” and from what stage of life was this person? Thank you for thinking outside the box. “NOW WHAT?” is always looking for positive ways to keep the mind sharp. “NOW WHAT?”
Hello, thank you for visiting and for your support! I look forward to hearing more from you.
I don’t know if I understand the first question very well? I intend to write and post more about the approach and the construction of the pictures in the ooamerica series as the project further develops.
Best response to the ‘What’s your philosophy in life?’ question: to be fair, I hadn’t yet thought about a ‘best response’ – and perhaps would prefer not to: I’m more interested in the spectrum, or range of the answers, than I am in a particular answer or value code.
– Now this doesn’t mean there aren’t some answers that I appreciate more (or less) than others… and the editing of the film will lead to inherent choices about meaning, but I hope it can remain in, or illustrate, the spirit of the above.
Okay, just can’t seem to resist… Now What?
hello ooa revo – first of all, i was truly excited to see your blog! This trip looks amazing and I cannot wait til i read more! secondly, thank you for the follow. every bit of support is truly appreciated!
Hi, thank you very much! Will look forward to updates. Best wishes.
If you believe it, you can achieve it. Great job! Congratulations!
Hi Jennifer, thanks a lot! More road coming up soon!
What fun! Enjoy every moment and I look forward to following your adventures
Hi and thanks for your support. More adventures coming up soon.
I applaud you… and am very jealous. Stuff like this is important to be cataloged. Fabulous. 🙂
Hi Narnie, thanks! Hope you’ll get on the road some time soon 🙂
Great idea / project ! I love it ! The images are beautiful and dynamic ! I will definitely share this and I support you 100%.
I think we share the same spirit. You should check out our series called “3600 miles of popcorn” which is 9 episodes that we shot last summer during a road trip from New York to San Diego !
Hello! Thanks for your support and for sharing the project, Twitter, etc. Look forward to sharing more travel stories soon and staying in touch – check out the popcorn everybody! 🙂
What a cool idea. I’m looking forward to reading all about your journey (inner and outer). Thanks so much for visiting my site and deciding to stick around.
Hi Sandy, thanks and I hope to share more about the journey(s) soon!
Much respect for the trip past, and upcoming, It’s beautiful country, and I never tire of exploring it. See you on the road, mi amigo.
Hi amigo, look forward to seeing you on the road. 🙂
That’s a really good way of telling the story of a country and its people – Great idea and like the thread that runs through it – “What’s your philosophy in life?”
One point – Can you play with the sound-track on the trailer to bring down the volume on “Eye of the Tiger” when the people are speaking. Some I can hear, but others are a little drowned out.
It maybe my fault as a “Limey” or “Brit” or whatever UK is called these days. Maybe I’m not tuned into the accents.
There are some great shots, good contrasts and fantastic characters – Good luck, and may the Spirit be with you. It’s like you’re giving a voice to the people who aren’t often heard.
Hi, thanks for your support and feedback. The volume of the sound-track is at times a bit high compared to the voices: I think I got carried away by the song 🙂 – this has nothing to do with being a ‘Brit’. This is one of the main areas that I’ll be working on / hiring for (audio engineering / soundtrack) after the upcoming road-trip and Kickstarter campaign. Hope you’ll follow the rest of the road!
Hi and thanks for following my blog! Like you, I love traveling and I hope to do more travel-blogging as well. I’m looking forward to spending time with your writing and catching up on your travels! very exciting!
Hi, you’re welcome and thanks! Will be back on the road soon, more travel stories to come!
Hi there!
Thanks for the follow on my blog! Yours is really interesting! Can’t wait to go in its depth as soon as I have some free time!
Good luck!
Hi Sandra! Thanks, should be back on the road soon, will do my best to keep it straight to the point and entertaining 🙂
That movie trailer is amazing. I’m not from America but your idea is great! It’s very nice of you to share it with everyone and show people the great things around them through this project…can’t wait to read more! It will be useful when I’ll visit USA 🙂 Congratulations!Thank you for following my blog and good luck with everything!
Hi Niki, thanks for your support! I’m happy to hear this may help you with future travels, feel free to ask if you have any questions, hope to see you around!
In my opinion, this journey of yours should be a requirement in 21st century education. I spent a fair amount of time on the road over the years, and did one across America roadtrip back in my twenties. I also spent two years in Europe in the military and that also is something that should be a component of our educational process.
You are very fortunate to have this opportunity and you are a really great person to be sharing it with all of us in this way. Expanding our perceptions and worldviews is what my blog is also about, although we are taking two very different paths, I appreciate your interest very much.
Thanks for everything you are doing and I can’t wait to see how part 2 comes out…John H.
Hi John, thanks for your thoughtful feedback and support.
Traveling is one of the ways to ‘expand our perceptions and worldviews’ – one definition and measure of ‘education’ – and most importantly to keep our minds open to that expansion. I realize I’m fortunate to currently have this opportunity, although this is a decision that has to be weighed carefully… Part 2 is coming up soon, am looking forward to reading / hearing more from you.
I’m curious if you’ve planned to be in certian cities at certain times for events/gatherings of any kind or if you are looking more at everyday life in these cities. Great project. I look forward to seeing more.
Hello and thanks!
I’ve tended to look more at everyday life, both for the photos and film project. However for the photo project it would be interesting to have more shots from local or national events (got lucky to be around during the Kentucky Derby), and I hope to have more opportunities for that during the upcoming trip.
The only planned event, since before the departure, was a friend’s wedding in Massachusetts in September, which was the ‘deadline’ for what turned out to be part 1 (didn’t know at the time if I’d be able to do this second trip).
Thanks for your question, I hope to elaborate on these thoughts soon, stay tuned for part 2!
Thank you for the follow, you have a very impressive site yourself and some interesting projects going on here! Your clearly a very creative person with some excellent ideas! I wish I had come up with something as fabulous! x x
Thanks! Hope we get to share more soon!