Ever wished you could quit that day job, leave it all behind and hit the road?
Ever wondered what it would be like to live, work and travel while discovering a country, a continent and its people?
OOAworld Travel Journeys Around the World
Welcome to OOAworld, featuring creative and multimedia content from Ooa Revo’s long form continental journeys around the world. These include the year-long USA Road Trip where it all began, an equally lengthy Journey through Asia, an equivalent Journey through South America, and other long-form travels through Europe, Africa, Oceania and the Middle East.
OOAworld Creative Media and Storytelling
The creative works that resulted including photos, film, videos, writing, art, and more can be browsed here on OOAworld, and each journey can be followed chronologically.
OOAworld Travels and Travel Tips By Country
The OOAworld Travel section by Rolling Coconut features travel guides, travel tips, reviews, itineraries and more practical travel information in addition to the OOA journeys and creative media. All Travel content and stories can also be browsed by country.
The OOAworld Creative Works
The aims are, on paper, relatively simple: promote open exchange of ideas between people of all tides, as well as tolerance and peaceful thinking.
There are several main background projects which have accompanied the creation of OOAworld and its artistic content.
OOAworld Movie: “What’s Your Philosophy of Life”
One is a film / documentary featuring interviews of the very different people met along the way, asking them one common question: “What’s your philosophy of life?” (Watch the unofficial ooAmerica trailer below), as well as to “Tales of Strangers,” asking people to share a story of their choice.
OOAworld Creative Works: Novels, Photo Books, Short Films, Photo-Montages
The other main background projects include written novels and photo-books from the travels, short films and other artwork, as well as a series of large photo-montages.
I hope to eventually post more about the photographic approach, and, more generally speaking, the approach to these journeys.

OOAworld.com initially debuted as the ooamerica blog, a lot of road has been covered since!
The site’s content can be browsed by following each OOA continental journey or by browsing the different media above.
The OOAworld Travel section can be used to browse all stories by country. It includes travel tips, reviews and itineraries by Rolling Coconut in addition to creative media by Ooa Revo.
Readers and friends are welcome to contribute in any way and by connecting on Facebook, Instagram, subscribing on YouTube and Twitter. Fellow travelers, bloggers and media can help share and spread the word.
Want to learn more about OOAworld? Check out the FAQ page and About Us and stay in touch by subscribing to our updates, or learn about our other activities from our VR/AR/XR production studios (augmented reality, mixed reality virtual reality and 360 video).
Thanks for your support!
Start with ooAmerica, a 25,000 mile USA Road Trip across the United States. Launch into ooAsia, a year-long journey across all of Asia. Or browse stories by types of media and travel destinations.
WOW! That’s a great project!
Thanks! Happy to share it!
This is something I’ve heard so many talk about doing, but your actually doing it!
Regardless of the price of the video equipment, clunker car, living expenses, I’m sure the peace in your soul from living your dream is priceless!
Hi and thanks! It’s been a great experience so far and I don’t regret the decision, for the reason you well describe! Thanks.
Sounds like a blast to have done. Assuming everything went okay. But we know how that goes, don’t we? I hope everything DID go okay, however. I guess it went okay enough to make a movie about your adventures, anyway. Best of luck and wishes.
I listened to the trailer but wasn’t able to hear anything anyone said because the music or surrounding noise was too loud. But then, it could just be me, as I’m getting old.
Thank you for following. It was indeed a blast, although not everything went okay. But that’s also part of the trip. I’m sorry if the music’s a bit loud, I may have gotten carried away by the spirit of the song.
This must have been amazing to have done. The trailer captures a realness about the people you met along the way. Looking forward to catching up on the posts!
Thanks. I’m hoping to be back on the road to meet new people soon enough.
I really like your project! Good luck and have fun!
Thank you! I’m expecting the project to develop quite a lot in upcoming months. More to come soon.
Great idea. You chose to live, congratulations! I want to see this entire trip. Count on me.
Mis respetos y aprecio! Armando
Thanks! “Choose to live” would be a nice quote for the film. More to come soon.
This looks really interesting and fun. Will be back!
Thanks, will be on the road again soon…
Wow, what a cool project! Thanks for following by blog. I look forward to seeing more of your adventures here 🙂
Thanks! More adventure soon!
To have the courage….well done!
To have the guts to do what you’re doing is phenomenal. I alway wish I had dropped everything when I was younger and unattached and taken off. Can’t wait to see how the project develops. The trailer is great . . . and “Eye of the Tiger” still rocks.
Thanks. It’s not an easy decision and has to be weighed carefully. But it’s been a great ride so far! Will be posting more soon… some songs will always rock.
Love your site and the whole idea of traveling around the country. Awesome photos and drawings! Good luck with your project!
Thank you very much! Planning an upcoming road-trip so hope to have more to share soon.
Hey there – I saw that you stopped-by my blog this morning…thank you for visiting and letting me know you were there!
You have quite a site here…so bright…interesting…beautiful. Good job!
Thanks for your support. Best to you.
thanks for visiting and following my blog. love your trailer…great great great….have fun, be careful….stay tuned…i will as well greg
Sounds good, will stay tuned, thanks.
Sounds like a great trip!
Thanks! stay tuned…
You make me want to travel again. It’s been a while but I’ve spent a good deal of my life pursuing whatever is around the next bend. Thanks for checking out my site and signing up!
It’s important to keep the pursuit alive, however things work out… more to come soon, thanks!
thanks for following! what a great project you have going on. take care and aloha. 🙂
thanks! hope you’ll enjoy part 2. aloha 🙂
great project! Looking forward to seeing more. Thanks for visiting thenewvernacular
thanks! second road trip planned, there’s more to come…
all i can say is, let me shake your hand *shake hands* and congratulate you for doing this. i’d love to help anyway i can, if ya want to email, i’ve got experience with film, music, writing, photography, etc. i feel like your path is one that i admire. mine is slightly different, though artistic nonetheless, well done my friend.
thanks for your support. I’m planning a second trip to meet more people and get more content, and after that will be looking to edit the movie. So there’s more to come. Perhaps then?
sure, give me a shout, freefrednice@yahoo.ca 🙂 i’m from canada too by the way, not sure if that makes any difference 😉
Wow! I’m sorry Colorado is not on your route!
Hi! Point taken, Colorado will be on the itinerary of the upcoming road-trip. Look forward to seeing it!
How amazingly cool. “Easy Rider” hits the 21st century.
Love that movie! Would be honored to contribute to the tradition 🙂
Sounds like an amazing journey, and it’s been fun looking around here.
Thanks for stopping by my blog, too!
Thanks and you’re welcome! Cheers!
Thank you for following, and what a cool idea. Looking forward to exploring your blog!
I do… I did… and I have hit the road to visit the most remote places in the Continental USA.
By your map above, you came close to but never visited any of those locations.
If you ever want to find the truly extraordinary spots in the the most remote places there are in the lower 48 states then just ask… I know where they are.
Hi, thanks for your comment. Would love to hear if you have any ideas for places to visit / things to do, or any other info to share. I’m planning a second leg to the trip, down the East Coast to Florida, and then going northwest to Washington state. Thanks!
What a great idea!
Hello, thanks! Hope to be on the road again soon.
thanks for visiting my blog. Your project is quite amazing. Looking forward to following you and your adventures.
hey, you’re welcome. Thanks for your support. More soon hopefully.
You’ve won me over in a heartbeat!
This is too cool!
Hello! Thanks for your wonderful comment! Hope to be back on the road and posting again soon,
haha, yes! I wish I could quit my day job, leave it all behind and hit the road….but I can’t so I will have to live vicariously through you! Good luck, happy travels and create!!
Hi, thanks for your support! Will be on the road soon and sharing the adventure.
thanks for the ‘like’ & the follow!
You’re welcome, thanks!
Thank you for the follow – appreciated. 🙂 Have returned the favour and support. Enjoy your week!
Thanks! Cheers.
This is a great idea. I’m afraid I wouldn’t be able to answer the question “what’s your philosophy in life?” though. I might be a little too existential to even believe that life should have a philosophy.
Good luck with the project!
Hi and thanks for your support! It is a difficult question, perhaps not always the right one (or maybe is it a question of words…)? But I think you are giving an answer of sorts? Thanks again and hope you’ll follow the upcoming trip.
great project…ah to be young and brave and inspired!
I love the trailer — You really captured something special here. Your vision really seems to have come through and I’m looking forward to pouring over the site at leisure.
Thanks for the follow. Your work looks very interesting! You should make a road trip through Colorado sometime…
Hi, thanks for your comments. I plan to visit Colorado during the second part of the road-trip (planned itinerary here) so stay tuned.
Poor Washington State. Totally skipped. We really are more than wheat, or lentils, or Starbucks coffee.
But one can only travel so far in so much time, so I understand. And I am most grateful to your subscribing to Middle Aged Plague. Happy Traveling!
Thanks! I look forward to discovering WA during the upcoming trip (see the planned itinerary): actually about to cross the country again in order to get there 🙂
Loved the trailer, thank you for sharing your journey, the scenery and people are beautiful. I will look forward to seeing more of your journey as you update.
Also, wanted to say thank you for stopping by our blog and following, we appreciate it.
Hello, you’re welcome and thanks! The rest of the journey should be full of interesting people and scenes, so stay tuned.
Thanks for following my blog and presenting yours to me…..i like the sketches.
Thanks! Hope you follow the upcoming road-trip.
in may around the middle of the month, my daughter and i are taking this year’s cross-country roadtrip along the southernmost route depicted on your map…maybe we’ll see ya!
Always happy to meet people along the way! Here’s the general itinerary for the second road trip.
Anyway, the country’s southern roads are a beautiful drive, best wishes for your travels and am happy to help with info, etc.
Such an ambitious project! I’ve never set out to document people per se, but I did spend several months traveling low-budget around Spain many years ago working on a folk art research project. Actually “working” on something provides so many opportunities to meet people and explore the culture that would not have otherwise presented themselves.
Good luck to you with the movie, and thanks for subscribing to my blog!
I agree, traveling is one way to engage in new experiences (and remain open to them), and I enjoy it when the project develops from serendipitous encounters or other events ‘that would not have otherwise presented themselves’. Thank you!
May GOD Abundantly Bless you!!!
Thanks! same wishes to you and everybody!
Love the trailer!
Thank you for your follow! I look forward to reading your entries! Thanks!!!
Thanks! More to come soon.
Wow I loved that trailer! Great editing too! I’ve been teaching ESL to adults in NYC recently, and I’m going to refer them to this blog because it’s a really great view of America.
Thanks, that’s really a great thing to hear! I hope to be posting more soon, once I’m back on the road.
This is very interesting! Thank you for following Life in the Realm of Fantasy. I will be following your progress, with interest!
You’re welcome, likewise, thank you!
good luck with your travels and your film!! what an exciting and ambitious undertaking – I’m sure it’ll be freaking amazing. thanks for visiting my blog today. looking forward to seeing how your adventure unfolds.
best – nell
thank you, hope to be able to share more soon once I’m back on the road. best,
Thanks for visiting my blog and for the follow! I married a career Navy man, and got to pull up roots and go across the country a couple of times – and the day job paid for it! Our first trip we were towing a sailboat, which earned us odd looks and comments in South Dakota. Sounds like you’ve had a wonderful adventure and are looking forward to another one! For us, it’s retirement days, and we’re happy to have the home spot stay in one place, although that doesn’t mean we’re not traveling.
Hello, and thanks for sharing! I’d love to hear more stories from people who’ve had similar experiences, or wish to. Stay tuned for the upcoming journey.
This is really cool man! It’s actually something that I’ve kind of wanted to do but it’s the whole $$ issue, and of course the lack of a car, that have prevented me from going out and doing it. Happy to see someone is achieving a dream – have fun! 🙂
Hello! There are many financial / responsibility issues to take into consideration, and it’s not an easy decision. But I don’t regret it and hope to share more! 🙂 Hope you make it out, keep me posted. Thanks!
Wow, this is so cool, you are doing something that I always dreamed of doing… The memories you are making and experiences you are having are going to transform your life and your perception of it in so many ways. Good for you for having the courage to actually do what so many of us have dreamed of doing:) Thanks for checking out and following my blog, I’m glad you found it so I could find yours! I’m looking forward to keeping up with your adventures…
Take care,
Hi, you’re welcome and thank you for your thoughtful comment! I hope to keep in touch. Best,
P.S. It looks like for your 2nd trip you are planning on coming very close to Wilmington, N.C. This is where my husband and I live and I highly recommend checking it out if you weren’t already planning to. We have some beautiful beaches around here as well as some other pretty cool sites. Just a suggestion:)
This looks incredible! I’m so jealous of your trip, I’m hoping I get to do one someday. (:
I love the blog, keep travelling!
Just dropping by to thank you for following my blog. Looks like you have big dreams and the desire to fulfill them. Hope all goes well for you and you are safe in your travels.
I am so envious of your trip! It is both admirable and incredibly entertaining. Thanks for following Project Create as well. Stay tuned for a different journey: the creation of an art nonprofit. I see that you stopped in New Orleans on your way – would love to hear what you thought!